

Buraco dos Mouros (C.K.ã 2010)

"So much of the history of rock art studies emanates from the study of Paleolithic rock art in Europe. As noted (...), the abbé Breuil was convinced that making art was a religious activity, so rock art had to have been done by priests and shamans, who would have been male only, because in his experience, only men were priests. Leroi-Gourhan, Guthrie, Onians, and others thought art was made by unters, and in their understanding of world ethnography, only men were unters. Many believe that caves were too deep, dark, and difficult to get into, and so would have been too frightening for women (Russell 1991). As feminist anthropologists have pointed out for decades, the Western scholarly tradition assumes that women remain bound to home, hearth, food preparation, and child rearing for their entire lives. Feminist critics of archaeology have documented the projection into the past of present-day stereotypes of women as passive, uncreative, and subordinate to active, creative men (Watson and Kennedy 1991; Hays-Gilpin 2000d). In fact, women take part in many kinds of ritual activities in many parts of the world, especially after their child-bearing years. Women, especially young women, often hunt small game. In a few hunter-gatherer cultures, such as the Agta of the Philippines, women hunt as often as men do (Estioko-Griffin 1981). Fear of deep, dark places, is likely to be learned and unlearnable, and therefore unlike to be sex-linked (note that today many cavers are women and a woman was first through the discovery hole at Chauvet)."

Kelley A. Hays-Gilpin - Ambiguous Images - Gender and Rock Art (2004, p. 87-88)

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